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Giro della Sicilia 2024

Giro della Sicilia 2024

Giro della Sicilia

Edition 2024

In 2024 the Tour of Sicily will bring all participants to know the enormous naturalistic, cultural and artistic heritage of the NEBRODI while admiring the evocative sunsets on the AEOLIAN islands.


The cycling-sports formula includes an alternation of cycling tourism moments where it is possible to pedal in total relaxation at speed controlled, enjoying the landscapes that the Sicilian mountains offer, to moments of healthy competitiveness where you can give your best during the timed sections.

Giro della Sicilia

Guidelines 2024

Regulation Tour of Sicily 2024



Any changes to these Regulations, more or less restrictive, could be applied if new rules are issued to contain the spread of the risks of contagion from COVID-19 or in the case of specific needs of the Locali administrations. 


For the entire duration of the event, cyclists and all the staff present must comply with the anti- gathering rules, the use of PPE and in general all the anti-Covid 19 rules issued by the Government, the National Health Authorities and the Local Administrations. 


We invite you to keep up to date by consulting our website www.girodellasicilia.com


All competitors at the time of registration accept in its entirety these regulations.




The Società Sportiva Dilettantistica GS MEDITERRANEO PRO organizes from 26 May to 31 May 2024 the Giro della Sicilia, an international cycling event (road bike) open to all cyclists- sportsmen and cyclists-amateurs in good standing with the membership for the current year. The event is also open to e-bikes.


The dates established for the stages are

  • Stage 1 26/05/2024
  • Stage 2   27/05/2024
  • Rest  28/05/2024
  • Stage 3 29/05/2024
  • Stage 4 30/05/2024
  • Stage 5   31/05/2024




The event is open to all cycle-sportsmen and cycle-amateurs of both sexes over the age of 18 in good standing with the membership for the current year.


It should be noted that the event is open to all members of the FCI and the Sports Promotion Bodies, in possession of sports medical fitness for the practice of competitive cycling (DM 16/2013), and to foreign cyclists in possession of a UCI license valid for the current year, issued by their National Cycling Federation.


It is possible to register through the www.girodellasicilia.com website.


By registering for the event, the competitors declare that they have read this regulation, accepting it unconditionally in everyseparate way and that they are not in any of the subjective conditions referred to in Article 3 of this regulation (Ethical Declaration). This declaration is assimilated to the self-certification required pursuant to and for the purposes of Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28 December 2000. Anyone who makes false statements is punished under the Criminal Code and special laws on the subject.


Participants without a cycling license must present, on the occasion of registration and in any case no later than the start of the race, a medical certificate attesting to the status of suitability for participation in a competitive cycling sports event. This certificate must be valid for all the days of the race. They will also have to sign the temporary membership, which must be requested at the time of registration to the secretariat of the GS MEDITERRANEO, in order to regularize their position from an insurance point of view, at a cost of € 10.00 per single stage.


The SSD GS MEDITERRANEO PRO declines all responsibility for the coverage / services offered by the policy.


Professionals and / or elites are admitted exclusively for promotional purposes and will not be able to participate in the rankings, nor distort the outcome of the event by actively participating in it and conditioning the final outcome.


The chip for time controls and measurements is mandatory. For those who do not have it, a loan service will be activated on deposit.


The organization reflects exclusively in relation to the services and contents of the cycling event. Failure to participate in the event, in case of serious and proven impediment, may entitle you to a free ticket for participation exclusively in the event of the following year, upon presentation of a written application and at the sole discretion of the Organization.




Participation in the Giro della Sicilia is not allowed to subjects who:

  1. were found positive at the anti-doping controls accredited by the U.S. C.I., by the National and International Olympic Committee and by WADA, whether scheduled or by surprise, or have refused to undergo anti-doping and / or health protection controls, scheduled or unexpectedly;
  2. were found with altered values of the biological profiles monitored in the Biological Passport, according to the current regulations of WADA and the U.S. C.I., without it being demonstrable a real genetic and / or physiological condition capable of motivating the alteration of the profiles;
  3. have been found in possession of drugs or substances that are biologically or pharmacologically active, prohibited or subject to restriction of use in accordance with applicable laws and regulatory provisions on doping, without any plausible, detailed and documented justification and in any case without any detailed medical prescription;
  4. have adopted medical practices not justified by documented pathological or therapeutic conditions, aimed at or suitable for modifying the results of anti-doping controls on the use of prohibited drugs;
  5. have been sanctioned by sports and/or ordinary justice, for a period exceeding 6 (six) months, for reasons related to doping;
  6. have been subjected by the judicial authority to personal coercive measures or investigations for facts related to the violation of anti-doping legislation;
  7. are in the temporal conditions that do not allow membership as amateur cyclists (referred to in resolution no. 6 of 29.7.2013 of the National Cycling Council), namely:


  • Professional athletes: for the 4 years following the last contract;
  • Elite (without contract): for the 2 years following the last membership in the category;
  • U23 athletes: for the two years following the last membership in the category;
  • U23 athletes with only one year of membership in the category: for 1 year following the last membership;
  • Elite women for the 2 years following the last membership in the category.


The ethical declaration, like the medical certificate, constitutes an indispensable document for the regular registration to the event. In the absence of the same you will automatically lose the right to participate in the event and any payment made for the purpose of registration can not be refunded except for payments made before March 31 which can be refunded only in the event of restrictions due to the COVID 19 emergency.




The event is of a cycling-sports nature and the relevant rules provided for by the FCI regulation must be respected. Although there is an Escort service, the roads are open to traffic (except for the timed section, unless otherwise indicated). The highway code must always be respected even in the timed section.


Competitors must never pass the car at the beginning of the race and must maintain an appropriate behavior and comply with the Rules of the event.




road book will be included in the race pack and will contain detailed indications of the entire route, of the partial and total distances, of the passage times to the starting points of timed sections, to the refreshments and to the arrival. In order to guarantee the expected assistance, escort service and refreshments, the indicated times and the scheduled time gates must be respected, which are also easily respectable by everyone even at a comfortable cycling pace.


Starting from the end of the timed section and/or other point specified by the organization, athletes will be given the opportunity to pedal at a free pace in a manner to be defined by the race direction. The organization does not guarantee timely medical and mechanical assistance to participants who will decide the option “free ride”.


Every single stage will be provided in GPX format to the participants.


Each participating cyclist, being aware that the roads traveled are not manned by the organizing company, nor by anyone else, must consider himself on a free personal excursion on roads open to traffic, so he is considered a normal road user, he has the obligation to wear a helmet and to comply with the rules of the Highway Code.


Competitors will be followed by rescue vehicles and technical assistance vehicles (cars and motorcycles).




The organizing company will arrange refreshments and supplies along the routes of the stages in the indicated locations. The refreshments and supplies also have the function of regrouping the group of participants in the sections of the route at controlled speed and at the end of the sections of the route at free speed with chronometric detection. The duration of the stops will vary according to the organizational needs of the event. At the end of each stage the rankings will be exposed. There will be no stage awards.


The organization provides all participants with a free “bag-drop” service to be able to find their own clothing bag at the end of the timed sections (refreshment). A plate must be attached to the bag/backpack to facilitate identification.


It should be noted that:

  • the clothing bag must be delivered directly to the vehicle that takes care of the transport strictly 15 minutes before the start of the stage;
  • the clothing bag will be returned only at the end of the stage;
  • the organization is not responsible for any loss of the clothing bag, part of it or its contents.



In order to collect the race package, participants must be in possession of the documents referred to in Article 2 and show a valid identity document. The president or manager of the participating companies must show the list of participants and make available, if requested by the race judge, the official cards.


Competitors must give consent for the use of personal data as required by privacy legislation for the purposes related to the performance of the event.


The race pack will contain the number to be applied visibly on the handlebars and the dorsal number, the road book with information on the route, heels for the bag / transport bag, gadgets and vouchers for refreshments.




In all the stages there are one or more sections of the route at free speed with chronometric detection. At the end of each stage the absolute and category rankings will be exposed. The summary data of the day will also be made available online on www.girodellasicilia.com.


The timing and checks will be carried out with an electronic system.


The Organizing Committee reserves the right to make the appropriate variations to the routes in case of situations that may compromise the safety of the participants and the success of the event.


At the secretariat of the Giro will be exposed an info panel for communications to competitors. The panel can also be used by individual competitors for any communications to other participants in the event.




All participants must be members of a cycling club regularly affiliated to the Cycling Federation of the country of origin and / or other sports promotion body recognized by the National Olympic Committee and must have the relevant official card issued for the current year by the Federation (or promotion bodies for Italian participants).


The President of the cycling club, or his representative, must dispose of these badges if requested by the race judge.


To enter the rankings it is necessary to have completed in their entirety the stages (not only the timed sections) provided for in Article 1:

  • The Sunday of the tour (stage 1)
  • Long tour (all stages)

For e-bikes, a separate ranking will be drawn up, the modalities of which will be established according to the number dandthe participants.

Will be awarded the first 3 absolute male and female and category.


Prizes will also be awarded to the largest team, individual surprise prizes and a celebratory medal.


The rankings will be displayed daily.


The categories are:
Elite Woman 19-29, Master Woman 1 30-39 anni, Master Woman 2 40-49 anni, Master Woman 3 da 50 anni in poi.


Elite 19-29, Master 1 30-34 years, Master 2 35-39 years, Master 3 40-44 years, Master 4 45-49 years, Master 5 50-54 years, Master 6 55-59 years, Master 7 60-64, Master 8 from 65 onwards.


The categories are ACSI (UCI in brackets) are:
Woman A (Elite Woman + Master Woman 1) 19-39 years, Woman B (Master Woman 2 + Master Woman 3) from 40 years onwards. Junior (Elite) 19-29 years, Senior 1 (Master 1 ) 30-34 years, Senior 2 (Master 2) 35-39 years, Veterani1 (Master 3) 40-44 years, Veterani 2 (Master 4) 45-49 years Gentleman 1 (Master 5) 50-54 years, Gentleman 2 (Master 6) 55-59 years, Supergentlemen / A (Master 7) 60-64 years, Super Gentleman/B (Master 8) from 65 years onwards.


If the participants are not in sufficient number, the categories will be merged at the sole discretion of the Race Management and communicated at the beginning of the competition




Any complaints must be received by the jury in compliance with the provisions of the FCI Technical Regulations. For anything not covered by these Regulations, the Technical Regulations in force of the FCI and the related implementing rules apply.




At the end of each stage it is possible to control doping by the competent bodies, therefore, before leaving the arrival area, the competitors must make sure that they have not been chosen for the aforementioned control.




Ssd GS MEDITERRANEO PRO declines all responsibility for itself and its collaborators, for accidents or damage to persons or things, which may occur before, during and after the event or as a result of the same.


Each participant indemnifies from any liability of a civil, criminal and administrative nature the Organization, collaborators, volunteers, bodies and all the subjects involved in various ways in the event for any harmful event that should happen to their person or that was caused by their conduct.


Participants also undertake not to leave their bicycle and personal property unattended. It is understood that in case of theft or damage to your bicycle, personal property and any other means of transport, no liability or any request / claim against SSD GS MEDITERRANEO PRO can be charged. The member also undertakes to compensate the A in case of damage to the image and reputation of the event, of the SSD GS MEDITERRANEO PRO, deriving from the behavior of the member himself not in accordance with the rules of this regulation and the spirit of the event




If for reasons of force majeure or any other event not attributable to the organization, the event does not take place, the amount of participation will neither be refunded nor considered valid for the following year.




The organization reserves the right at any time to make changes to the route and to this regulation at its sole discretion. The website www.girodellasicilia.com is the official information organ of the event, therefore all official communications will be made known on the site.




By signing the paper registration form or by sending the signed form online in pdf format, the competitor declares to be in possession of a medical certificate of fitness for competitive activity, to be in possession of a regular card, insurance for civil liability towards third parties, to have read this regulation, accepting it unconditionally in all its points and expresses consent to the use of his personal data.


The use/processing of personal data means any operation or set of operations concerning the collection, registration, organization, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, dissemination, cancellation and destruction of data, even if not recorded in a database.


Pursuant to art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/03 the participant has the right to exercise access to personal data, as well as to obtain information about his data; request cancellation, blocking, updating, rectification, integration and opposition to processing, by contacting the Data Controller – SSD GS MEDITERRANEO PRO, based in Palermo – Via Principe di Belmonte, 102.


By signing the paper registration form or by sending the signed form online in pdf format, the participant also expresses his consent, so that any photos, videos, audio and / or video recordings, of any kind, produced on the occasion of the Giro delle Sicilia can be
freely stored, reproduced, published and marketed by the Organization, without the right to any related compensation and / or compensation by the participant. In particular, the participant expressly authorizes the Organization, together with its media partners, to use still or moving images that may portray him during his participation in the race, on all media, including promotional and / or advertising materials. The participant agrees that such data, materials will be made available to photographers and / or professional photo-studios specifically appointed by the Organization for the realization of photographic services on the race.




By signing the paper registration form or by sending the signed form online in pdf format, the competitor, together with the representative of his team, self-certifies the non-existence of sports, civil and / or criminal sanctions, even if discounted, for facts related to doping and declares not to have taken – and not to take – substances included in the anti-doping list of the World Antidoping Agency (WADA) – https://www.wada-ama.org/en/what-we-do/the- prohibited-list.


The false self-certification will be prosecuted in accordance with the law. In case of positivity to the anti-doping controls carried out, or of positivity ascertained in the following 6 (six) months in other sporting events, the competitor is required to pay the Organizing Committee of the Giro delle Sicilia, as compensation for the serious damage caused to the image of the event, the sum of € 50,000.00 (fifty thousand euros / 00). If it belongs to a sports association, the latter will be jointly and severally obliged to pay this penalty. The sums that will be forfeited by the SSD GS MEDITERRANEO PRO, as compensation for damage to the image, will be entirely donated to youth sports activity.




The organization reserves the right to take measures in the event that it detects unsporting behavior of the participant tending to distort the order of arrival of the timed section.


The participation with bib of another competitor, the transfer of the bib to others or other serious fact that will be detected by the Organization will cause either the immediate exclusion from the event or the exclusion from the ranking and disqualification from the event from one to five years. In the most serious cases, the disqualification may be for life.


It appeals to the civic sense of the participants in order not to throw garbage along the streets. Competitors who throw objects of all kinds outside the refreshment points will be subject to disqualification for the current edition and for the next one.


Disqualifications imposed by the F.C.I. during the year may lead to exclusion from the starting list at any time at the sole discretion of the organization.


It is strictly forbidden, under penalty of disqualification or exclusion, the use of bicycles equipped with any kind of support or aid of an electrical and / or electronic type.


For a correct and safe conduct of the competition, the data of the vehicles that should illegally follow the competitors and pass through the space forbidden to normal circulation, or in the space between the beginning and the end of the race, will be collected by the inspectors of the organization and delivered to the jury and the competent police body, for any measures both sports and infringement of the Highway Code.




Official site: www.girodellasicilia.com
E-mail: info@girodellasicilia.com
Phone: 335 744 7433 (Guido)




These Regulations are subject to Italian law and only the text in Italian is authentic. For anything not expressly regulated, reference is made to the legislation in force in the Italian legal system.

E-bike guidelines Tour of Sicily 2024

Giro della Sicilia will be opened to e-bikes.


The e-bike cyclists, however, will not compete with the cyclists of the “muscle bikes”, but will be competing with each other for the “regularity” of their sports performance.


The e-bikers will follow the caravan of the Tour of Sicily and then the routes of the established stages, will be able to participate in the refreshments and benefit from all the services offered by the Organization (trailblazer cars, technical escort bikes, ambulance, medical service, etc.).


They will have the same chip as the other cyclists and will make “regularity classification” in the timed sections.


The e-bikers will start at the tail of the last cyclist at the beginning of the timed section that they will have to travel at an average speed of 20 km / h , in order not interfere any way with the other cyclists in the race.


At the end of the relevant stages the following rankings will be drawn up:

  1. The Sunday of the tour (stage 1)
  2. Long tour (all stages)

To enter the rankings it is necessary to have completed the stages in their entirety, not just the timed sections.


The first three of each ranking (which will be unique for men and women) will be awarded if they have kept exactly the average of 20 km per hour in the timed sections or who have come  as close as possible to it (more or less).


Owners of assisted / electric bikes at the time of registration also have the opportunity to choose to participate in the Tour of Sicily in exclusively cycling mode.


Remaining as specified above, for “electric cyclists” the same rules apply as other cyclists and set out in the 2023 Regulations which are intended to be accepted in its entirety at the time of registration, always bearing in mind that every cyclist, with electric bike or not, participant in the Tour of Sicily , being aware that the roads traveled are not manned by the organizing company, nor by anyone else, must be considered in free personal excursion on roads open to traffic, so he is considered a normal road user, has the obligation to wear a helmet and to comply with the rules of the Highway Code.